Dedalus identified by KLAS Research as a leading multi-regional Electronic Health Record provider outside the US

KLAS Research identifies Dedalus as having the highest number of electronic medical records in general hospitals (1,612), 35% more than the next largest vendor.

Dedalus is a global leader in healthcare software solutions and one of the world’s largest digital health companies, with a comprehensive value proposition comprised of open standards-based technology solutions that meet the needs of the entire continuum of care.
Dedalus Group (Dedalus) is pleased to announce that it has been recognised by KLAS Research as one of the leading vendors in 2021, outside the United States, in its “Global (Non-US) EMR Market Share 2022” report.
KLAS Research identifies Dedalus as having the highest number of electronic medical records in general hospitals (1,612), 35% more than the next largest vendor.


Read the full press release here

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