Image import, export & exchange

Convenient importing, exporting and sharing of medical images, videos and documents

DACH, France, Brazil

Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

Image import, export & exchange

In today’s healthcare landscape, the importing, exporting, and sharing of medical images, videos, and documents are indispensable tasks. To ensure seamless support, we provide diverse solutions seamlessly integrated into our PACS solutions or available as vendor-neutral solutions to interface with any other PACS or VNA.

For import processes, we offer flexible options, including imports with or without worklist entries from various sources:

  • PACS to PACS transfers
  • CD/DVD imports
  • Scanning capabilities
  • XDS Import support
  • Importing both DICOM and Non-DICOM data

When it comes to exporting and sharing medical images and reports, we provide a range of alternatives to suit your needs. An emerging trend is the ability to securely share medical data with colleagues, referring physicians or patients over the internet. Here are the exporting and sharing options we offer:

  • Patient portal access
  • Secure internet-based sharing
  • CD/DVD burning using local burners or burning robots
  • Exporting in DICOM and JPEG formats
  • Direct exporting of images to MS PowerPoint

Key Benefits

  • Easy to implement together with our PACS solutions
  • Benefit from an optimized user experience for importing, exporting and sharing information
  • More convenient and secure internet access to medical data for colleagues, referring physicians and patients

Customer Quotes

Dr. med. Manfred Grünke

Chief physician (clinic for radiology and nuclear medicine) in Kreisklinikum Calw-Nagold - Kliniken Nagold

« This system makes it possible to make images available to other hospitals and colleagues in a quick and uncomplicated manner »

Dr. Hannes Häuser

Chief physician for radiology at Klinikum St. Elisabeth Straubing GmbH

« Previously, we had the images on X-ray films or as a print-out. That was cumbersome and time-consuming since a driver had to first be sent off. Today, we are considerably faster, and the quality of consultation is also higher due to digital imaging »


Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

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