Dedalus lays the foundation for an effective diagnostic network to connect specialities, disciplines and laboratories.

The increasing demand for integrated care and networked service organization necessitates the establishment of diagnostic networks connecting laboratories, hospitals, and specialized care facilities across diverse clinical specialties and disciplines.

These networks are essential for addressing the growing complexity of healthcare processes and the need to exchange knowledge, expertise, care pathways, professionals, and technology to enhance and complete diagnostics. They underscore the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based medicine, continuity of care, and, most importantly, prioritizing patient-centered care.

Digital Pathology plays a crucial role in this framework, leveraging Dedalus’ profound understanding of pathology workflows and pathways to maximize benefits.

Dedalus lays the groundwork for an effective diagnostic network by integrating a shared repository of clinical best practices and protocols with a dynamic platform that evolves over time while ensuring backward compatibility.

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