Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths
Why STEM Matters
To achieve our purpose: to serve each actor in the Health Care Ecosystem to provide better care for a healthier planet, we heavily rely on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. STEM is in our DNA, and that’s why we continue to engage with a diverse range of people and partnerships to share the benefits of STEM subjects and pursuing a rewarding career in the industry.

“We truly believe that igniting an interest in STEM subjects is our responsibility. Aligned with this vision, over the last years our commitment to STEM and the communities in which we operate, we are proud to engage in many partnerships with universities, colleges and schools, future talent agreements including internships and graduates and participation in engagement initiatives and STEM events across the globe.”

Roberta Occorso Group Chief HR Officer, Dedalus
Events and Community
We are committed to having
diverse representation across
STEM roles.

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