Mortuary Management Information System

Enhance efficiency, compliance, and streamline mortuary processes.

Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

A complete mortuary management software

Dedalus Mortuary Management Information System offers a specialized solution tailored to address challenges related to staff management, planning, consent procedures, and data accessibility within mortuary departments. Our system ensures comprehensive management and administration of mortuary operations, aligning seamlessly with current regulatory standards.

Available as a standalone module or integrated with Dedalus LIMS, Dedalus Mortuary Management Information System provides a versatile solution to meet diverse organizational needs.

Key Benefits

  • Efficient workflow
  • A respectful and safe service
  • Compliance enforcement
  • Co-ordination
  • Data access management
  • Documentation
  • Storage management
  • Reporting
  • Auditing

Key features

  • Tracking and organisation
  • Intelligent workflow checking
  • Scheduling
  • Alerts and warnings
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Integration with patient administration systems (PAS)


Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

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