Laboratory Information System

Exploit the full potential of cloud-based laboratory information systems with Invitro LIS.

Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.


A complete, future-ready laboratory information system

Dedalus InVitro LIS stands as a cutting-edge, cloud-based Laboratory Information System offering comprehensive lab workflow management. Designed to cater to both single laboratories and multisite/multicampus organizations, it facilitates full integration with order entry systems, Laboratory Automation Systems (LAS), and result distribution platforms.

InVitro LIS main covered disciplines:

Dedalus InVitro Laboratory Information System capabilities support the full diagnostic process

Key Benefits

  • Ultimate simplicity: no installation needed, simply connect and log in to access all your laboratory data and functionalities.
  • Scalability by design: Continuous evolution through the consolidation of new disciplines thanks to the native use of standardized data.
  • Excellent user experience: flexible and optimized workflows. Dashboards can be customized by user or role.
  • Guaranteed performance and piece of mind, thanks to the unified LIS (Laboratory Information System) and LAS (Laboratory Automation System) customer service, providing end-to-end client support
  • Simplified and reduced cost of integration with the healthcare ecosystem, via Dedalus DC4H ESB
  • Reduced TCO, thanks to:
    • Cloud technology, enabling “zero footprint” on clients
    • Opensource database

Key features

  • InVitro LIS provides flexibility and responsiveness to the laboratory organizational model supportingall the diagnostic process.
  • InVitro LIS supports completely the ISO 15189 certification process providing:
    • Equipment management
    • Products Inventory
    • Document management
    • Personnel management
    • Method validation
    • Audit management

Product Information

InVitro LIS Brochure

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