HYDMedia G6 – Enterprise Content Management

Get the right information at the right time to the right user: HYDMedia G6, a holistic Enterprise Content Management system designed for healthcare organizations. Integrated in your systems and processes. Manage any data and documents from any source.

Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

Capturing, managing, providing and legally compliant archiving of data and documents: an enterprise content management system (ECM) structures information and supports the standardization and automation of processes.

All relevant information and documents are digitally integrated and made available at the end-user’s workplace. HYDMedia thus ensures the paperless exchange of information and facilities the collaboration between all employees in their respective areas across data boundaries. HYDMedia overcomes the restrictions of vertical applications in this way.

HYDMedia – Clinical documentation

Digital documents from hospital information systems, clinical workplace systems and medical specialist systems are directly transferred and archived in an audit-proof manner.
Automatic entry in the document list of the patient file enables a view of the current treatment status at any time. Central administration of access rights guarantees a high level of data security.HYDMedia’s own software modules can be also used to acquire, display and assign diagnostic images to the medical history. Adjustable views of the patient file, e.g. of all previous illnesses, provide a perfect overview of all documents and allow patients to be treated more quickly.

HYDMedia – Business operations

HYDMedia enables the creation of digital stores of information (digital archives) for a wide range of subject areas and tasks. Patient and personnel files, construction files and contracts as well as financial accounting and purchasing documents are backed up in an audit-proof manner and are available at any time and at the respective workplace.
HYDMedia can be used as a stand-alone information system or, with appropriate interfaces, can be connected to leading systems as an archive and store of information, such as HR or ERPs. It is also possible to store the data and documents generated by workflow applications.

HYDMedia – IHE

The use of IHE XDS profiles allow to exchange medical data between healthcare providers who have joined together to form an affinity domain. By uniting document repositories, whose content is managed by a document registry, documents can be found and displayed by the document consumer. On this basis, a complete electronic patient file is created within the affinity domain. HYDMedia provides the required IHE XDS profiles (document reposiroty, source and consumer) and can thus become the central data and document hub within an affinity domain.
IHE Connectathon report

Key Benefits

  • Support paperless hospitals and full digitised processes
  • Single point of access to the full patient record
  • Quick and easy search possibilities of relevant information
  • One central legal e-archiving solution, for all data (clinial and administrative)
  • Data security and confidentiality
  • Structuration and simplification of processes

Key features

  • Import of any data from any sources (electronic, paper)
  • Seamless integration with existing systems, based on standards (HL7, FHIR, IHE-XDS, webservices)
  • Simple administration
  • Easy-to-use and modern user interface
  • Transfer of users rights and authorisations from the EMR
  • GDPR conform
  • Administrative workflows
  • Full traceability

Customer Quotes

Philippe Laurent

Hospital Alès-Cevennes, France

« For us, HYDMEDIA is a unifier that offers us greater integration, bringing data from our IT infrastructure and HIS systems together with data from our medical applications into a superb database for our doctors and staff. »

Dr. Gerard Mougenot

Hospital Emile Durkheim, In Epinal, France

« Integrating the HYDMEDIA enterprise content management solution with our Orbis will not only help us solve the issue of space and resources for storing documentation, but it will save time and effort for everyone – doctors, nurses and secretarial staff – and make their jobs easier. »

Dr. Kim Morrison, Chief of Staff,

Lennox & Addington County General Hospital Greater Napanee, Ontario, Canada

« The record is very well organized and easily searchable in many ways, making information retrieval as simple as it can be in a world of huge data bases. »

Francis Breuille, Director Of Information Systems

Hospitals Saint-Lô & Coutances

« Two options we selected stand out: touchscreens, which enhance the users’ acceptance and adoption, and ‘zero paper’, which avoids the continuation of a paper file in parallel to the EMR. »

Anette Krießler

Klinikverbund Südwest

« When we move to the new hospital, no piece of paper moves with us. »

Product Information

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