Product Business Unit

Know our Business Unit Team.

Dr. Michael Dahlweid

Dedalus Group Product & Clinical Officer and Member of the Group Executive Committee

Davor Dadic

Diagnostic Imaging IT, Business Unit Leader 

Giso Langer

Hospital Information Systems, Business Unit Leader 

Dr. Pietro Macrì

ERP, Business Unit Leader 

Marlen Suller

In Vitro Diagnostics, Business Unit Leader 

Jörg Stieg

Analytics and Life Sciences, Business Unit Leader 

Luciano Benetti

Social and Connected Care and Clinical Knowledge System, Business Unit Leader 

Andreas Waldo

Operational Excellence team, Business Unit Leader 

Femi Ladega

CMS & Platform, Business Unit Leader

Frans Martens

HCIS, Business Unit Leade

Daniel Becker

Dedalus Group – Chief Technical Officer

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