Across the Whole Healthcare Ecosystem

with Dedalus Care

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As the global healthcare landscape grapples with rising populations, heightened patient expectations, and potential professional burnout, Dedalus introduces a forward-thinking solution: Dedalus Care. Tailored specifically for the global market, with primary focus on Iberia, Latin America and Asia, this comprehensive suite, this comprehensive suite integrates every aspect of healthcare operations, from primary to tertiary care, revenue management to advanced analytics, and virtual to home-based care. With Dedalus Care, we aim for efficiency, personalisation, and sustainability in care delivery.

Key Benefits

  • Removes administrative burdens to boost provider productivity
  • Cuts expenses via automated clinical-financial data transfer
  • Ensures precision and accelerates cost recovery
  • Allows healthcare professionals to focus on patient care
  • Enhances decision-making with immediate, precise data access
  • Refines business processes for better efficiency
  • Lowers ownership costs with swift implementation and cost-effective technologies

Key features

  • Hospital and beyond the hospital
  • Innovative scheduling services available everywhere
  • State-of-the-art clinical pathways to improve treatment quality and efficiency
  • Virtual care and telemedicine capabilities
  • Full enterprise resource planning support
  • Mobility with multi-device approach

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