Digital Connect 4 Health (DC4H)

A digital health platform built on open standards, enabling organizations to innovate quickly within their existing application landscape.

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DC4H, Dedalus’ cutting-edge digital platform, empowers organizations to innovate within weeks, not months, over their existing applications.

DC4H is characterized by six pillars, each enhancing and complementing the others’ capabilities. These pillars can be implemented independently, allowing organizations to prioritize areas where maximum value can be realized.

At the heart of DC4H’s success lies the HL7 FHIR-based longitudinal patient record, providing a comprehensive view of patients. Controlled access to patient data is ensured through consent management, audit trails, and access controls.

This longitudinal patient record is accessible via an API management component and presented through a modern, browser-based user interface called Patient Synoptic. Additionally, it supports real-time analytics and enables notifications to clinical staff.

Key Benefits

  • Integrate data and solutions from diverse healthcare applications with ease and speed using our extensive library of integrations.
  • Develop a comprehensive longitudinal patient record encompassing all facets of patient data and effortlessly access this valuable dataset through open FHIR standard APIs—whether for a single healthcare organization or across an entire region.
  • Enable modern data access without the need to upgrade your patient administration system or other record-keeping systems.
  • Empower clinicians with real-time notifications for swift feedback and informed decision-making.

Key features

  • Comprehensive Longitudinal Patient Record offering a 360-degree view of patients across organizational boundaries.
  • Terminology, Consent, Audit, and Policy Management capabilities.
  • Enterprise Master Patient Index for efficient management of patient identity.
  • API Management ensuring secure access to patient data.
  • Provider Directory for seamless management of organizations and practitioners.
  • Flexible delivery options including Cloud, hybrid Cloud, or on-premise deployment.

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