AI for Chest CTs

Clinical decision support for 19 patterns in chest CTs + nodule detection


Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

Comprehensive AI support for ILD, COPD, & lung cancer

Chest CT revolutionizes radiology by delivering both quantitative and qualitative insights into interstitial lung disease (ILD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. This advanced solution automatically identifies, quantifies, and visualizes key disease patterns and nodules in lung CT scans, including consolidation, ground-glass opacity, and emphysema. Seamlessly integrated with our PACS application, DeepUnity Diagnost, ADVANCE Chest CT ensures an optimized workflow experience for radiologists.

Key Features of Chest CT:

  • Detects, highlights, and quantifies lung abnormalities associated with ILD, COPD, and lung cancer
  • Enhances reporting by providing both quantitative and visual information
  • Offers heatmaps for a comprehensive visual overview of lung abnormalities

Key Benefits

  • Average reading time up to 31% shorter**
  • Trend towards improved diagnostic accuracy**
  • Reduced clicks - integrated directly into our PACS application DeepUnity Diagnost

Key features

  • Quantitative and qualitative image analysis for 8 key image patterns and lung nodules
  • Outputs include reporting based on guidelines e.g., RECIST, etc.
  • Retrieves visually similar reference cases with links to differential diagnosis literature

Customer Quotes

Professor Kotter

President, European Society of Imaging Informatics

« I really like the transparency of contextflow ADVANCE Chest CT as opposed to other black box AI solutions. It's designed to support my workflow while leaving the final decision up to me. »

PD Mag. Dr. med. univ. Gerlig Widmann

managing Senior Physician at the department of Radiology at the Medical University of Innsbruck

« ADVANCE Chest CT has already proven its worth and is a very good qualitative support in daily clinical practice. »


Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.

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