Follow Up

The continuum of care following treatment and hospitalization encompasses a diverse range of activities, necessitating collaboration among numerous healthcare professionals and active participation from the patient. It is of the utmost importance that patients are fully engaged and well-informed about their treatment plans, supported in effectively implementing the components of their care regimen.

Follow Up

The spectrum of activities involved in post-treatment and post-hospitalization care necessitates active engagement from both patients and the multitude of healthcare professionals assisting them. Each stakeholder must be well-informed and involved in their treatment plan, receiving adequate support for its execution.

Effective patient follow-up demands a smooth collaboration between patients and their multidisciplinary care teams, facilitated by a suite of flexible, user-friendly, and integrated applications. These tools enable patient self-monitoring, device management, periodic health reporting, therapy compliance support, etc. From the healthcare professionals’ standpoint, digital solutions should rationalize the adoption of best practices and enable outcome evaluation.

Dedalus offers a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to support patients throughout their digital journey, as well as dedicated tools for multidisciplinary teams operating across various care settings. These include follow-up activities across the entire continuum of care, ensuring access to pertinent information whenever and wherever needed.

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