A fast-growing cloud-native Enterprise Imaging provider

The acquisition firmly consolidates Dedalus as one of the world’s largest healthcare IT businesses with a broad portfolio in the Healthcare IT ecosystem, supporting every step of the Continuum of Care, from prevention to early detection, from diagnostic to treatment, follow-up, rehabilitation and end-of-life.
This acquisition enables Dedalus to accelerate and support the transformation of the Diagnostic Imaging IT market, thanks to the complementary solutions brought from Dobco Medical Systems. Thanks to this acquisition, Dedalus will be able to capitalize on its European market leadership presence, as well on the strong footprint in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Latin America, North America, Middle East and Africa, having a presence in over 40 different countries.
“Combining Dobco with our DeepUnity portfolio will enable digital transformation of Enterprise Imaging. Dobco brings people, capabilities, technologies and client references to the table. It has a strong “aaS – as a Service” business that is deployable on secure private, public and hybrid cloud environments” explained Andrea Fiumicelli, CEO of Dedalus Group.