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Having read the “privacy policy and Information notice for web users”: I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of receiving from you, both by automated (e.g., e-mail, SMS, MMS, etc.) and non-automated (e.g., phone, ordinary mail, etc.) means, marketing messages and promotional content messages relating to your activities, products and services (including market research, customer satisfaction surveys, information about webinars and events);(marketing)
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I hereby agree to the transfer/sharing of my personal data for the purpose of receiving from the other Dedalus group companies, operating in the bio medical sector, by automated means (e.g., email, SMS, MMS, etc.), marketing messages and promotional content messages relating to their activities, products and services (including market research, customer satisfaction surveys, information about webinars and events); (data transfer to third parties for their marketing purposes)
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