Innovation to transform health and social care

At Dedalus we passionately cultivate an innovation mindset, having the opportunity to test it in multiple international settings and rapidly bring solutions to market at scale.
Innovation for Dedalus means to engage with caregivers, healthcare professionals, healthcare policy makers, patients and citizens, and together understand and anticipate roadblocks to digital transformation and address all the main outcomes of the extended health ecosystem thus achieving better outcomes, improve patient experience, improving clinician experience, and lowering costs of delivering care.

A culture of innovation is vital for any organization like Dedalus that is focused on achieving and maintaining a leadership position in digital healthcare. It is the foundation that enables organizations to innovate repeatably, and at scale.
An innovation culture always has room for creativity, empathy, and freedom, l balanced with discipline and individual accountability. It takes dedication, persistence and hard work but is definitely one of the main pillars of the Dedalus organisation.
Aristotle once said: “We are what we repeatedly do.” An organizational culture is basically the sum of all the practices, processes, habits, values, structures, incentives and naturally people that the organization has.
At Dedalus we care about all these aspects, encouraging the innovative approach in everything we do.