More than 6.600 highly skilled resources in 40 countries of the world with 1 common aim: always stay at our customers side and make a real difference in the Healthcare Ecosystem.

Dedalus Chile
Apoquindo 4501 – piso 12
Las Condes, Santiago
Tel. +56 2 2397 4700
Dedalus Argentina
Vuelta de Obligado 1878 – 12º B
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tel. 54 11 4706-2061
Dedalus Mexico
Río Hudson 25 – Oficina 102
Colonia Cuauhtémoc
Dedalus Peru
Av. Javier Prado Este #476
Piso 19 – oficina 101-102
San Isidro – Lima
Dedalus Brazil
Rua Olimpíadas, 205 – 4º andar,
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo – SP, 04551-000