New capabilities allowing our customers to
create value from the data stored in the systems of record.
Healthcare organisations need real-time visibility into how their services are being used and into the wider health system to meet the needs of their patients. The challenge for healthcare providers will be to effectively connect to this new integrated healthcare ecosystem given that the data required to make this a reality is often not easily accessible.

In this complex world, where the traditional systems of records cannot follow the scale and pace change of all these systems of engagement, it is fundamental to have the ability to integrate and ingest data across disparate applications, to link datasets, to gain evidence-based insights about populations, and to support clinical workflows across organisations. These challenges can be addressed by those new systems of insights, delivered by the new Dedalus platform DC4H – Digital Connect 4 Health, result of the merge of multiple years of experience accumulated through OHC – Open Health Connect, D4 and X-Value.

DC4H six pillars of value: meeting healthcare data needs
DC4H is built on six pillars that together provide a comprehensive platform ecosystem for innovation and modernisation to support an integrated health system that connects providers, patients and other caregivers across organisational and geographic boundaries.
Our digital platform is the result of years of experience in the industry and the convergence of key technical components Dedalus accumulated during its own growth path.
Based on a standards-based (FHIR) open architecture (APIs), DC4H enables healthcare organisations to access, cleanse, integrate, ingest and semantically ‘tag’ their own data held across multiple clinical and operational systems, delivering contextual and actionable insights for informed and timely decision making. It is an open platform ecosystem offering the building blocks to leverage machine learning (ML) models from third-party AI partners and carry out predictive analytics.
Furthermore, the platform offers out-of-the-box self-service analytics dashboards for data investigation as well as the ability to close the loop by triggering events based on clinical/operational decision support, providing a notification or alert to the clinician to act in a timely manner.
While each of the six pillars are connected and build on the capabilities delivered by one another, each is also independent enabling the organisation to start where maximum value can be delivered.
Key Benefits
- Integrate data from a wide range of existing healthcare applications easily and quickly by using the library of existing integrations
- Aggregate data faster and create an open, interoperable, agile platform environment connecting your new and legacy assets
- Create a FHIR-based integrated care record that is more than just a data lake; it is a repository of curated, standardised, normalised and semantically relevant data so clinicians can better understand their patients and how they interact with the hospital or other healthcare organisation
Key features
- Simple delivery, via cloud, hybrid cloud or on premises infrastructure
- Simple management and configuration, thanks to a unified self-service platform control centre where users can configure every aspect of the platform and monitor all services
- Simple setup and configuration thanks to widgets and pre-defined use cases
Request a brochure, book a product demo or simply ask a question: our specialists are at your disposal to answer to all your needs or doubts.
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