Pharmoduct: The optimal balance of batch efficiency and patient-centric dose compounding.

Book a product demo or speak to one of our Pharmoduct specialists.

Pharmoduct is a new-generation robot that automates the sterile compounding of oncology medications. It is a patented medical device in the EU, and it respects all the regulatory requirements of a laminar flow hood.

Inside its ISO 4.8 main chamber, it can reconstitute powders and dilute solutions in a wide range of final containers, including Elastomeric Pumps. Pharmoduct can integrate with medication prescribing and dispensing systems for optimal ordering, auditing, and scheduling.

Pharmoduct is designed to improve the whole oncology compounding process.

Why Pharmoduct?

The recent rise in cancer cases comes with the ever-increasing need for compounded oncology medications. Today, pharmacies struggle to meet the increasing demand for compounded medications with the manual process. Pharmoduct brings efficiencies, quality, and safety to a higher level, which manual compounding does not provide. It compounds up to 20 preparations per hour with an error rate of less than 5%. In one session, it can compound in a range of final containers. Pharmoduct helps organisations disrupt the growing staffing issues associated with 8-12% annual growth in compounding preparations. Its reliance on closed-system drug transfer devices ensures staff and patient safety.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Optimises staff availability & reduce the effect of fatigue on productivity
  • Higher product accuracy & better patient safety
  • Small footprint for higher compounding volumes
  • Full process traceability
  • Almost eliminates scheduling & transcription errors by automatically receiving and sending messages from and to other systems

Visit Pharmoduct’s website for more information.

Bringing Benefits and Features to Oncology Compounding

Pharmoduct automates the compounding process to overcome many manual compounding challenges.

For Pharmacist:

« “As an Oncology pharmacist, my primary goal is to provide our patients with the highest quality medications. Every single dose can significantly impact their treatment outcomes. With meticulous attention to detail and a steadfast commitment to patient safety, I strive to ensure that our compounded medications are prepared flawlessly, without any errors or discrepancies in dosage. By adhering to stringent quality control measures, staying up to date with the latest advancements, and collaborating closely with healthcare professionals, I aim to supply our patients with the highest level of care, ensuring that our products are readily available and precisely tailored to meet their specific needs.” »

For Patients

« “Being diagnosed with cancer and receiving chemotherapy is physically and emotionally demanding. As my treatment plan is outlined, I want to be assured that unexpected delays in my treatment are minimised.” »

For Clinicians

« “As an Oncology nurse, I want to have medications available for patients when they arrive to receive their treatments. As my patients might be distressed from the burden on the disease, I want to ensure that treatment interruptions are minimal. My patient’s safety comes first. I want to be able to administer the right dose of the right drug by the right route and the right rate at the right time.” »

For Specialists (Oncologists and Haematologists)

« For Specialists (Oncologists and Haematologists) “As a physician, my priority is to ensure that my patients receive the highest quality care in a timely manner. Any delay in the treatment can significantly impact the outcomes. I am committed to collaborating with the hospital staff, to minimise delays and provide the best care throughout their journey. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these brave individuals and contribute to their well-being and recovery.” »


Book a product demo or speak to one of our specialists.

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