amPHI Prehospital Solution – amPHI’s clinically driven scalable, reliable, and resilient suite of configurable modules supports the full spectrum of care from dispatch to hospital handover with the ability to plan and manage resources and access to powerful data mining capabilities.

Book a product demo or speak to one of our amPHI ambulance specialists.

“Our commitment is to provide a flexible and efficient Ambulance Electronic Prehospital Record (ePCR)  solution, which empowers the paramedic by bringing the expertise of the organisation directly to the paramedic and aiming to enhance the focus on the patient by delivering a seamless patient care from emergency episode to hospital handover”, said Knud Buus Pedersen, Managing Director
Dedalus Prehospital Solutions

amPHI’s™ Ambulance Prehospital Record solution is a clinician designed complete digital care pathway that is secure, reliable, and resilient, from dispatch to hospital handover. The solution is scalable, and configurable to adapt to organisational need and provides powerful data mining capability.  amPHI’s ability to seamlessly stream information between response units and receiving care facilities supports true collaborative care.

A complete and connected electronic ambulance care record is the foundation for a coherent and synergetic prehospital intervention. amPHI is a unique solution in the market, offering patients the best possible treatment through a simple and fast collection of relevant patient data, communicating it along the continuum of care.


The amPHI Ambulance Electronic PreHospital Record (ePCR) Solution Components:

amPHI Mobile – Live streaming mission critical data between responding units, and receiving hospitals ensures a collaborative approach to care and seamless clinical handovers can be achieved. Real time video conferencing, live chat, image, and ECG sharing further aides collective patient management between ambulance and hospital teams.

amPHI Web – Comprehensive role-based dashboards with real-time information sharing between the ambulance record and receiving clinical team, provide the ability for collaborative care and the opportunity to best prepare for the patient’s arrival. amPHI Web also offers both simple patient record search options and access to powerful data mining capabilities across the entire incident.

amPHI Secondary Triage – Supports management of low acuity care calls from CAD, an early initiation of the ePCR and a documented decision of care (outcome) that allows responding ambulance units direct access to the information. amPHI’s Secondary Triage module aims to assist in the reduction of unnecessary immediate ambulance dispatch and ED presentations in low acuity health needs and the promotion of community referral pathways /models of care.

amPHI Special Events Module – Extends the applications capacity, instantly creating a command centre of browser based dashboards. These provide a powerful tool for collaborative management of mass casualty incidents between central dispatch units, ambulance responders and all receiving hospital clinical teams.

amPHI Fleet Management Module – Providing organisations the ability to centrally organise and manage fleet plans, monitor live utilisation of resources and mine historic fleet activity

amPHI is currently installed in more than 800 ambulance response units (road and air) with 15,000+ users, servicing over nine million citizens. amPHI boasts a consistent uptime of more than 99.98% and is supported by 24/7 system surveillance.


Ready to transform your healthcare practice? Visit us at The Council of Ambulance Authorities Congress, booth 30.

Dedalus amPHI’s clinically driven Prehospital Record (ePCR) solution encompasses the entire care pathway from patient collection to hospital handover and is currently installed in more than 800 ambulance response units (road and air) with 15,000+ users, servicing over nine million citizens. The amPHI Solution Components include amPHI Fleet Management; amPHI Mobile;amPHI Web; amPHI Secondary Triage and amPHI Special Events Module.

Dedalus at Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA) conference, August 2023.

CAA Congress in August 2023 was a wonderful few days of learning, sharing, and connecting with our colleagues in the industry.

Søren Rasmussen, our global product manager for amPHI joined us from Denmark to share his amPHI expertise and support our Dedalus booth.


Key Benefits

  • amPHI Mobile and amPHI Web
  • Comprehensive configurable ePCR
  • User friendly platform for real time prehospital data capture
  • Clinically driven software
  • Integrated Alert and patient history capability
  • Treatment guidelines based on condition condition/diagnosis
  • Embededded CDS and links to external clinical support sites
  • Clinical image and ECG sharing
  • Wireless POC device integration
  • Full offline capability
  • amPHI Web
  • Real time data streaming: Ambulance to ED/OT/ICU
  • Treatment recommendations direct to ambulance
  • Data integration to EMR
  • Clinical and logistic dashboards with drill down opportunities
  • Audit log of all record transactions for quality reporting and continuous improvement

Key features

  • Live chat/video call functionality
  • Seamless handover
  • Unique Incident Scene Management module
  • FHIR-based integration platform

amPHI flyer

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