Dedalus amPHI Ambulance Electronic Medical Record Wins South Australia Tender. Read more in The Advertiser.
An important milestone has been reached in modernising the State’s ambulance service and bringing on-road clinicians into the digital age.
Healthcare information systems company, Dedalus, has been announced as the successful tender recipient for the implementation of an electronic patient care record system.
The $23.5 million State Government investment, announced in the 2024-25 State Budget, will give ambulance crews the tools to electronically document patient information for the first time, eliminating the need for handwritten clinical case cards that require subsequent data entry.
The ePCR system is set to streamline the out of hospital provision and communication of patient care in South Australia.
Read more about the news in The Advertiser Dedalus amPHI Ambulance Electronic Medical Record Wins South Australia Tender