"One-Patient, One-Record" E-Health System
Ministry of Health Brunei
MOHB officials knew that building such an advanced healthcare information system would require help from a partner that offered a deep knowledge of the healthcare industry, an established software solution and a wide range of skills.
“We realized that our goal would be no small feat” says Dr. Ahmad Yazid, an intensive-care physician and medical superintendent of the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital —Brunei’s largest, with more than 600 beds. “So we needed a partner with technical knowledge and dedication.”

That partner was Dedalus, which MOHB brought on board to provide IT support and technical expertise. Dedalus engineers designed the system, dubbed Bru-HIMS (short for Brunei Health Information and Management System), to run on Dedalus’ Enterprise Management software and to integrate with nearly a dozen preexisting MOHB systems, including appointments, outpatient management and clinical care.
After less than 2 years of work, Bru-HIMS went live.