Dedalus identified as a top multiregional EMR vendor used outside the US by KLAS Research

Dedalus is  recognised by KLAS as one of the ‘leading top multiregional vendor, outside of the US, in 2021’.

Dedalus Group (Dedalus) is pleased to have been recognised by KLAS as one of the ‘leading top multiregional vendor, outside of the US, in 2021’ in their report: Global (Non-US) EMR Market Share 2022.

KLAS Research identifies that Dedalus has the largest number of installed Electronic Medical Records – EMRs in non-US inpatient hospitals (1,612), over 35% more than the next largest vendor.

The report also highlighted Dedalus’ continued leading position in the European EMR market. In 2021, Dedalus had the largest number of new contracts, 23 contracts across 43 total facilities, accounting for the second highest number of contracted beds.

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